Call Us: +1.214.565.1147

Information about available services
Assistance to access available services
Caregiver Education
Support groups
Respite care

Must reside in Dallas County

Definition of a Caregiver

A caregiver is someone, typically over age 18, who provides care for another. It is generally one who gives assistance to another person who is no longer able to perform the critical tasks of personal or household care necessary for everyday survival.

Definitions of Caregiving

Providing unpaid assistance for the physical and emotional need of another person, ranging from partial assistance to 24-hour care, depending on his or her condition.  The act of providing essential services to persons who otherwise would not be able to meet the challenge of daily living.



Who is Eligible for the Program?

Family members, neighbors, and friends who...

**Care for person 60 years of age and older
**Care for persons with Alzheimer's disease and related disorders regardless of age

**Grandparents or relative caregivers 55 years of age and older who Care for

children under the age of 18 and/or who ...

**Care for relatives age 18 to 59 years of age with disabilities

The Family Caregiver Support Program provides support to family caregivers and to grandparents or older individuals who are relative caregivers to ease the emotional, physical and financial strain that comes with this role. The Program Goal is to share information and provide opportunities to learn about services available in the community. The Program Outcome is to reduce the burden of caregiving and provide relief as necessary. Assistance to clients is provided on a strictly confidential basis.